hair transplant in Kolkata

Don’t Hide Yourself behind This Puja in a Selfie Due to Bald Head, Try Hair Transplantation


Many people think that bald is beautiful. May be to them, but not to me. I was cursed with a grandpa and a dad who had missed the most important thing early in their life…Hair. Realizing that my head is like a ticking time bomb that will soon explode and destroy all my hairs on the scalp, I started using hair growth products in advance.

Though I knew that baldness will hit me, but I hadn’t imagined that it would set in at the age of 25 only. Despite using the hair care products, my hairs started to fall out rapidly. I have seen many who have faced baldness with bravery and carry the style proudly. Unfortunately, I was not one of them.

With the passage of the days, the battle between hair and baldness got fierce, in which my hairs ultimately lost the battle. Just like any other guy of my age, I am a regular user of Facebook. Taking selfies and uploading them on the profile is my favorite time pass.As the Durga Puja drew in, my friends got busy in shopping, going to the parlors etc. While I, sitting in the home, used to see their updates and selfies on my laptop. Indeed, time has played a cruel joke with me. It was really shocking to others when they didn’t find me in those selfies, as I used to be the most prominent face there.  

Last year, when my friends took selfies in the puja pandals, I hid myself behind others. Yes, it’s because I don’t want others to see my bald head. In all the snaps, I stood behind. The moment which I used to cherish had become a disgrace to me. You may find me meek, but you would’ve reacted in the same way if you were in my shoes, wouldn’t you?

One day while browsing about the hair loss treatment, I found that a lot of Alopecia patients got back their hairs through hair transplantation in Kolkata. It convinced me and I was ready to undergo the surgery. I told myself, ‘Don’t waste your time by sitting idle. If you want to rule the selfies during the next year puja, then you have to take the step right now.’ It now became a question of ‘now or never’. 

In December, 2014, I underwent the surgery from a renowned centre of hair transplantation in Kolkata. Initially, I was nervous thinking mainly about the pain and the side-effects. My surgeon told me that I won’t feel any pain as the treated area will be numbed by giving local anesthesia. However, I may feel little bit uncomfortable. They completed the entire procedure in only 5 hours. Once the surgery was done, they gave me a list of post-op instructions.

To quicken the recovery process and to get better result, I followed every word of the surgeon. It really worked on me. The superb result that I have achieved raised my confidence level. My friends even don’t know that I have undergone the surgery. The surgery gifted me with natural looking hair and the hairline now perfectly frames my face.
No more old snaps. I am ready once again to rock this puja.

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