skin care tips

Effective Procedures of Treating Pigmentation:


Pigmentation is a condition which causes the skin to appear lighter or darker than the normal appearance of it. But, if a person have brown patches, then it is known as hyper-pigmentation. The skin of the human beings contains melanocyte cells, which produce melanin, it is a chemical which is responsible for providing color to the skin. As everything has a good and a bad effect, in the same way, too much melanin may lead to hyper-pigmentation. 

There are more than one reason, working behind the development of skin pigmentation. Some people find them on their skin from the time of their birth, while for the others too much exposure in the sun, exposure to chemicals and the other external factors are the encouraging elements for developing a pigmentation. But, the most fortunate thing is that, dermatologists have investigated a variety of skin lightening methods and have developed some promising as well as effective Skin Pigmentation Treatment. The most important step to treat pigmentation is getting the correct medical diagnosis followed by the correct method of treatment. 

The professional options for treating pigmentation are- 

Prescription Creams: 

According to the experienced dermatologists, most of the prescription creams combine hydroquinone with retinol, which are helpful for the skin to shed the pigmented cells. But, instant result should not be expected by the patient as, their working period might extend from a few weeks to a few months. 

But, the patient should never be tempted with the flashy ads shown on the internet, as, this might increase the chance of your pigmentation get worse, due to the existence of some harmful chemicals, in that particular cream. 

Micro Dermabrasion:  

In this method of treating pigmentation, tiny crystals are used in order to take off the dead to p layer of the skin. This is a painless, as well as a safe procedure of treating the pigmentation, but if this procedure is used vigorously, the effect can also be negative. This procedure of the treatment is only useful for treating pigmentation at a superficial level, but combined with prescription creams, it might do some wonders. 


The laser treatment in removing pigmentation, should only be used by an experienced professional, who is registered with the health care commission. There are several types of laser treatments available for treating pigmentation, but the choice depends upon the complexion and the type of the pigmentation, which a patient have. Most people require 2-6 treatments, and an anesthetic cream might be used by the expert, during the treatment. There are no side-effects of this treatment, but, the skin may look red or weepy, after the treatment, for a few days. 

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL):  

Among the different types of Skin Pigmentation Treatment, Intense Pulsed Light(IPL) treatment or photo-facial is frequently recommended by the doctors, for treating hyper-pigmentation. This procedure is often tagged as a laser treatment, but it is not the same treatment. Laser uses one wavelength of light, whereas IPL uses multiple wavelengths. It is not as powerful as a laser treatment, but it still requires to be done, under the observation of an expert. This treatment for removing pigmentation is specially effective on lighter skin tones.  

The appearance of pigmentation on the skin can actually be one of the biggest problems, which we face due to the skin related issues. In order to get rid of this troublesome situation, we must seek the help of an experienced professional. The above mentioned procedures of treating pigmentation are helpful enough for taking you out of the embarrassing situation of flaunting a pigmented skin, in front of the whole world. 

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