FUE hair transplant in India

Hair Transplant- The Wonderful Gift by a Dad to His Son on His 30th Birthday


When Tom Heley started to lose his hair excessively and was turning almost bald, his self-confidence was shattered. Although he knew from the very beginning that it will happen to him one day, yet it couldn’t help him from sinking into the sea of frustration. This serious issue started troubling him since he was 21 only. Despite his conscious constant struggle to come out of the depression, it was strangling him unconsciously.

To hide the bald patches, he avoided cutting his hair short. He started wearing hats and grew his hair long so that his friends can’t see and bald patches and laugh at him. After using the hair care products for 9 years, he came to the conclusion that they are not a solution for his hair loss problem, so he started searching for some other means. The idea of hair transplantation roused interest in him. With his father stepping in into the matter, the things come in order automatically. Instead of the traditional watch or cufflinks, Tom’s dad treated him to hair transplantation on his 30th birthday.

Tom said, “My dad and uncles are all bald and I think that my dad actually was waiting for the right time as he knew that the treatment could be effective only when my hair shedding gets stabilized. He knew how the problem has made me self-conscious and hence, did not think twice before investing in such an expensive procedure to restore the lost hair.”
This was the best possible birthday present which anyone could ever gift to a bald man. It helped him to regain his confidence and his life’s car sets in to roll on the right track after this incident.

Dr. ThomyKouremada- Zioga, a hair restoration surgeon of Harley Street performed the FUE surgery on him. According to the doctor, the surgeon should be highly skilled to carry out the procedure flawlessly. To get optimum result, she ensured that the hair not only regrows from the transplanted follicle but it grows in a very natural way.

Just like European countries and US, most surgeons perform FUE hair transplant in India. The process is painless and the patients do not have to spend weeks away from their jobs to recover from the surgery.

Tom waited for almost 8 months to see the growth of the new hairs. In this regard, he added, “the result excelled my expectation.” It was really amazing and his confidence has grown tenfold. In an interview he said that he had wasted a lot of money and time on the snake-oil products. He could have saved a lot if he knew about this treatment earlier.
It is better to do something at late than not to do it at all. The restorative technique worked on him perfectly and he now enjoys a head full with hair. He gives the entire credit to his dad and said that without him, it wouldn’t be possible.

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