Acne Lesions

A Complete Discussion about the Effectiveness of Chemical Peels


Spotless and radiant skin is what every woman wants to posses. The zeal for becoming the center of attraction of every occasion can drive a woman to seek for the available option to look beautiful. But, it has become harder for the women to lock their beauty due to the various environmental disorders. In order to become the owner of a glowing and beautiful skin, maintaining a perfect skin care regime is essential. 

Among the different effective methods of treating skin related issues, chemical peels are considered the prime one. The experienced professionals of the medical field will conduct different tests on the patients to pick a chemical peel according to their skin types. The working methodology of black and yellow peels are a bit different from the rest.  

Here are some illustrated details of Black Peels and Yellow Peels which might be helpful for you.  

Black Peels:

What are Black Peels?  

Black peel is the mixture of Salicylic Acid, Jasmonic Acid. This natural organic peel has been proven to deal with various skin disorders including pigmentation, acne, skin aging, etc. Black peel belongs to the group of that chemical peel, which is absolutely safe for skin. The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial property of Black peels help to subside the redness, quicker than the other Chemical Peels. 

The Composition of Black Peels:  

One of the most effective compositions of Black Peel is the black vinegar. Black Peels has already created a bench mark in the medical industry for combating the stubborn acne. Due to the existence of a few minerals in it, Black Peels are well known for fighting with the signs of aging too. Potassium Iodide of Black Peels are well known for triggering a faster recovery from fungal infections. 

The Working Procedure of Black Peels: 

The effectiveness of this procedure essentially depends upon the way of applying the Black Peel. The peel begins to work by exfoliating the outer layer of the skin. The complete procedure includes:
  • The process begins with a gentle cleansing of your face. 
  • After that, Black peel is applied. 
  • A peel neutralizer is applied after the application of the Black Peel. 
  • Finally, a sunscreen is applied to protect your skin.  
Treated Areas:  
The areas, which can be treated by Black Peels includes- 
  • Face, 
  • Neck, 
  • Upper Arms, 
  • Back, etc.  
Expectations after the Treatment:  

The revolutionary treatment of Black Peels has the capacity of improving the skin texture. It also works in decreasing the activity of the oil glands of our face. Besides, the skin is also disinfected to prevent the further acne build ups. In order to get a glowing and younger looking skin, this treatment is absolutely worth for you to try.  

Advantages of Using Black Peels: 

The advantages of using Black Peels includes- 

  • Black Peels are considered as one of the most effective remedies for treating blackheads.
  • When it comes to provide nourishment to the skin, the effectiveness of Black Peels cannot be denied.
  • Black Peels are well known for boosting your skin’s radiance by exfoliating the dead cells.    

Yellow Peels:

What are Yellow Peels? 

Yellow Peels has the capacity of performing some miracles on patchy skin. This treatment can increase the firmness of skin and makes the wrinkles quite invisible. Yellow Peel is a combination of phytic acid, kojic acid, and azaleic acid. For eradicating the signs of aging and blemishes, this peel mainly works on the different layers of the skin. 

How do the Peels Work? 

Yellow Peels work gradually depending upon the number of layers applied. The treatment starts to work only after a short time gap. The whole procedure includes- 
  • The treatment begins with cleansing the face by a pre-peel cleanser.  
  • The first layer of yellow peel is applied with a brush. 
  • The expert will apply the second layer, only if the first layer dries completely. 
  • Lastly retinol cream will be applied.  
Post-treatment Care: 

In order to get the full benefit out of the treatment, you need to follow some easy methods.  
You only need to use neutral soaps for washing the skin. This technique should be followed at least for the next 10 days after the treatment. As the skin becomes dry, the dermatologist might ask for applying moisturizer. If, the treatment is conducted in summer, then sun-block creams are also essential. 

Indications for using Yellow Peels: 

The invention of Yellow Peels has already created a bench mark in the world of dermatology. The indications for using Yellow Peels are- 
  • Acne Lesions, 
  • Hyperpigmentation, 
  • Melasma, 
  • Skin Aging, 
  • Acne Scars, 
  • Superficial Wrinkles, etc.  
Advantages of Using Yellow Peels:   

There are more than one advantages of going for this revolutionary treatment. The advantages may include:
  • The sagging skin will experience a firmness only after a few days of the treatment. 
  • Yellow Peels, one of the best Chemical Peels are suitable for all skin types.  
  • The treatment forms a barrier between your face and pollutant for preventing the further growth of acne. 
The experts will prescribe to go for the Black Peels or Yellow Peels, only after judging the medical conditions of a patient. Don’t forget to use water based facial cleansers or the other skin care products, after the treatment. One of the most important aspects of the above mentioned treatments is, you can proceed with your regular work after the treatment. The dream of getting a younger and beautiful looking skin can now easily be accessed with these treatments.

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