Hair Growth Techniques

Hair Transplantation: A detailed insight to the technique


 “I’m going bald. I’m having a major problem with it.” Are you facing the same problem, but don’t have the guts to discuss it with anyone? Don’t get pessimistic towards life just because you’re going bald. It certainly is a problem, but it does not threaten your life. There are many ways to treat this issue and with the advancement in the field of medical science, hair transplantation surgery has become the ultimate solution to cope with this threat. To enhance the physical appearance and the self-esteem, numerous bald people are switching to it. Today, I will share with you some details regarding the FUE technique of this surgery.

Hair Transplantation Procedure: Two Types

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation
  • Follicular Unit Extraction

Among these two types, Follicular Unit Extraction is the convenient and the safest one.

Details of the Follicular Unit Extraction

It is an outdoor operation where the patient is given local anaesthesia. Its awesome results have already surprised a lot of clients. The FUE technique is painless, safe and effective. As a result, more and more surgeons and clients opt for this type.
  1. Surgery preparations: The follicles of the hair at the sides and backsides of the scalp are not prone to baldness. So, the surgeons uproot the hair from these specific sites and transplant those to the regions which are bald.
  2. Donor area is cut back: Prior to the operation, the site of the donor is trimmed to accomplish the technique effectively.
  3. Donor site is organized for the operation: The surgeon numbs the sites which are to be treated by giving the client local anaesthesia.
  4. Extraction of the follicles of the hair: Through the surgery, the follicles of the hair are uprooted from the donor site.
  5. Stitching of the donor site: When the surgeon has removed the follicles of the hair from the donor site, then he does stitching of that specific area.
  6. Over the site of the donor, hair is grafted: To hide the stitches at the site of the donor, hairs are grafted at that site. After 10 days of the operation, generally these kinds of stitches are taken out.
  7. Follicles of the hair are trimmed: With the utilization of microscopes, the surgeons carefully study the tissues of the donor site and then only they can prepare the grafts which will be transplanted later on.
  8. Transplantation of the hair: The bald sites will be benumbed through local anaesthesia to safely transplant the grafted hairs.
  9. Minor cuts in the bald sites: In asymmetrical ways, minor cuts are made in the sites of the bald regions by the surgeons. Then the follicle of the prepared hair grafts are placed in the bald areas very carefully.
  10. In various densities, the surgeon transplants the follicular grafts: The smallest grafts of hair are transplanted in the front portion of the scalp. As soon as the procedure is completed, the grafts of hair become apparent with growth.
Everyone is not suitable for surgery. You have to consult your doctor to know whether you are eligible for it or not. In India, the process is absolutely affordable, and hence you can avail its benefits with minimal down sides.

Enjoy the experience and recommend it to your bald friends too.

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