Hair Fall

Female Pattern Baldness: Causes and Professional Treatment


Hair loss in women is one of those beauty related matters that is papered over. If you ask me the reason, then I would say that most women try to avoid discussions on this particular topic. But, I, myself don’t know the reason - why is it so? Instead of going for its treatment, they prefer to hide their scalp with wigs or hats. Despite the medical advancements and the increasing fashionista in every woman, I really wonder why the women still hesitate to talk about it and not opt for a professional remedy.

Causes of hair loss in women
Androgenic Alopecia or female pattern hair loss is quite common. It is caused due to different factors. But the question remains – How would you know what cause matches yours? For that, you need to look at your family history. If anyone among your kith and kin is partly or completely bald, then you may have the tendency. Though, it’s not a fixed rule. Apart from genetic causes, hair fall in women can also take place due to the following factors:
  • Replacement therapy of the hormone
  • Stress
  • Side-effects of medicines
  • Post-partum hair loss
  • Hairstyles
  • Hair styling products
  • Thyroids
  • Bulimia
  • Deficiency of iron which may cause Anaemia
  • Diabetes
  • Consumption of birth control pills
Some autoimmune syndromes give rise to a particular kind of hair loss in women known as Alopecia Areata. In this less melodramatic hair fall, hair comes out either in patches or in tufts. 

Professional treatment for hair loss
As per some eminent trichologists across the globe, women generally go for taking medicines to combat hair loss. Near about 3-5% of women are taking benefit from the advanced hair transplantation surgery. Sadly but truly, very few women have the following features which make them a good candidate for hair transplantation.
  • If the hair loss is not due to the hormonal imbalance, then it can be treated with hair transplantation method. Some top and the genuine hair transplantation centres in Kolkata offer the surgery at a reasonable rate. 
  • Even if the woman has undergone cosmetic surgery previously, there's no need to worry about shedding of the hair near the site of incision. An expert surgeon of a good hair transplantation centre in Kolkata will always first diagnose the problem and then only will he let you know whether you are an eligible candidate for it or not.
  • If the donor site of the woman is not affected by hair fall, then she can go for the transplantation process.
  • If the woman has suffered from hair fall because of trauma which is inclusive of chemical burns, then hair transplantation will definitely work for her.
  • If the woman is suffering from alopecia marginalis which has many semblances with traction alopecia, then also the candidate will be considered suitable for hair transplantation.
Read more to learn about hair fall and the other available treatment options for it.

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