skincare tips

Amazing Summer Skincare Tips That You Must Follow


Your beautiful, glowing and healthy skin is at a great risk during summers. With heat waves and burning flames from the scorching sun, there is a huge possibility of the skin getting dull, oily and blemished. There is also the danger of the skin becoming tanned in the UV rays of the sun. Hence, the skin requires special attention and protection. Here are some amazing skincare tips for protecting and nourishing the skin this summer. Keep reading the blog.

Apply sunscreen lotions

These days sunscreen lotions are formulated with botanical extracts and scientific ingredients that complements any skin type. That means you can select  easily absorbed oil-free, mattifying, extra emollient formulas for dry skin, or chemical and oil free formulas for hypersensitive skin. For getting the best results from a sunscreen , use a higher SPF and re-apply every two hours.

For those who have to spend most of their time at the outdoors during summer, they must use a specially formulated sunscreen lotions or creams for preventing  sunburn and formation of rashes and blisters. In case you forget to use a sunscreen before stepping out in the sun, you can compensate for the damage caused by applying natural aloe vera gel or cool green tea on your face to relieve the burned skin.

To protect the skin from the adverse effects of the scorching heat and high temperature stay indoors as much as possible. Avoid the sun during 11 A.M to 4 P.M because the sun rays are the most unpleasant at this time.

Take a cold shower bath

A cool shower after surplus perspiration is always soothing and helps keep the skin occluded, and reduces the breakouts and pimples.

Drink plenty of water

In order to keep the skin hydrated, it is important to drink plenty of water, fruit juices, and coconut water. Drinking at least 15 to 20 glasses of water throughout the day will keep the skin moisturized. Minimize the consumption of coffee and alcohol during summer as they tend to decrease water level in your system. Stay away from sugary aerated drinks and artificial frizzy beverages as they do not have any health benefit.

Follow a strict beauty regimen
  • During summer follow a strict beauty regimen for replenishing and protecting it.
  • Cleanse your face twice a day with a mild cleanser for eliminating the dirt, impurities and dead skin cells accumulated. Milk-based cleansers are the best for summers as they are extremely gentle.
  • Tone your face with rose water. It has natural cooling properties that unclogs the skin pores and revitalizes the skin during summer.You can also apply a herbal toner for soothing the skin and reducing the production of excess oil, sebum and accumulation of dirt.
  • Use a water-based moisturizer as it will be both mild and soothing.
Use homemade face masks

Homemade face masks are the best for summer as they are mild on the skin and do not cause irritations. They are free from chemicals and have several healing properties.

A face pack made from turmeric, yogurt and honey can do wonders for the skin. They are natural moisturizing agents and are enriched with antioxidants.

Another beneficial face pack is that of rose water and sandalwood that prevents skin-aging and acne formation. It is also an ideal natural solution for suntan removal in a mild and nourishing way.

So, forget facial and cosmetic chemical peeling in parlors and get naturally healthy skin with these amazing summer skincare tips.

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