
Discover The Journey from Fat to Fit, With the Help of Liposuction


Have you ever been through the humiliation of someone calling you fat? Or did you ever had an experience of people avoiding you due to the ode shape of your body? If all the above mentioned situations are quite familiar to you, then you should definitely go for the procedure of liposuction. The concept of liposuction is quite simple. This is a surgical technique which helps you to improve the contour of your body by removing excess fat from deposits located between the skin and muscle. But before opting this procedure, in order to get that envious figure of yours, you need to learn a few things about it.

Cost of Liposuction: 
One of the most important things which you should consider before going for any kind of procedure is, the cost. However, the quality of liposuction should come to the focus more than the cost. The quality of the procedure as well as the experience of the surgeon should come to your mind first because if you are thinking of compromising with these two most important facts, then you might not be able to get the best ever result from your surgery. So, you should be extra careful before choosing the right option for liposuction. 

Areas Where Liposuction Can Be Performed: 
There are certain areas, where you can actually ask your surgeon to perform the procedure of liposuction. The areas are:
  • Abdomen
  • Upper Arms
  • Inner Thighs
  • Breasts
  • Hips
  • Cheeks
  • Back
  • Sub-mental (chin)
  • Gynecomastia
  • Calves 
The Procedure:
Although there are a lot of different categories in the procedure of liposuction but there are certain procedures which are quite common in all the categories.
  • The candidate and the surgeon will have a discussion on, which area or areas of your body will be treated.
  • A consent form will be given to you, for the signature of yours.
  • An antibiotic will be given before an hour of the treatment. 
  • The target areas of your body will be marked while you are there in a standing position.
  • In the operation theater a sterilizing solution, will be applied on the marked areas.
  • Local anesthetic will be injected and the patient may be given a sedative.
  • Probably the patient will be provided with an IV fluid line since they would be fast losing the fluid along with the fat. 
  • Along with the procedure of liposuction, there will be some monitoring devices attached with your body, in order to keep track of the blood pressure, heart rate etc.
  • The patients will only feel a little at the time of the surgery. 
  • Usually after the surgery, the patients will be able to get up or walk around even they could also be allowed to go to their homes, on that very day. 
Side Effects: 
Along with the positive sides of the procedure, there are some side effects too. 
  • Swelling: The problem of swelling should be subsided within a month or two.
  • Scars: The size of the scar, particularly depends upon the procedure. But sometimes, it rather takes a long time to fade. 
  • Pain: The pain should also be subsided within a week or month, and you can also have a control over the pain by taking some medicines, according to the prescription of your doctor.
  • Infection: During liposuction, multiple small puncture wounds are made for inserting the cannula and thus the bacteria can get into your body by those holes and become the reason behind infection.
In order to stay fit, even after the surgery, you just need to follow a healthy diet. The procedure of liposuction is very simple and if you really want to go through this procedure then these information's will definitely be helpful to you. As it is the right time for you to start your journey from fat to fit.  

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