Hair Loss

Effortless and Economic Ways to Prevent Hair Loss after Pregnancy


Just a few months ago during pregnancy, you had your crowning glory full with gorgeous hair, and now you are feeling depressed because you can easily touch your scalp. Your remaining hairs are turning brittle and ultimately falling out. You no longer can wear the hairstyle which you once could. Am I speaking your mind? If you’re thinking how I know all these things, then let me tell you that almost every day a lot of postpartum women visit my clinic and complain me about their hair loss after their child’s birth.

Most of those women seek some natural means to get back their lost hair within a few months. For their sake and for you too, I am going to reveal some secret tips which will help you to gain that thick volume of hair again on your scalp.

  • Go for a vitamin supplement: To bid adieu to your hair loss and to welcome that beautiful mom that you’re, switch to a vitamin rich diet. It will be better if you opt to a vitamin supplement to get the Vit. B, C, E, selenium and zinc in proper quantity.  

  • Include Biotin supplement in your diet: Deficiency of biotin is directly linked to hair loss. Another effective and easiest hair loss solution is to switch to a 5mg biotin supplement in the diet. Use shampoos and conditioners that have biotin as one of its ingredients.

  • Don’t tie up your hair too tightly: Tight rollers, cornrows or braids pull your hair and leads to create pressure on your scalp. We all know that the excessively pulled hair will fall out eventually. Therefore, tie up your hair in a loose way.
  • Avoid using heaters and hair dryers: Blow dryers, hot rollers, and other such hair heating tools accelerate hair loss by drying out the hair. To get a hair loss solution without spending any money, avoid using rollers and hair dryers. Let your hair dry in a natural way. You can fan your hair to dry it out quickly.

  • Use quality shampoo and conditioners: Shampoos and conditioners which consist of silica and biotin boost the health of the hair and trigger the growth of the follicle. If you use these kinds of shampoos and conditioners on a regular basis, then chances are there that you will notice a considerable hair growth very soon.

  • Never comb your hair when it’s wet: Try to avoid combing your hair immediately after shampooing it. If you brush wet hairs, then it may lead to falling out, frizziness or split ends. So, wait till your hair gets completely dried to comb it without hurting the hair follicles.

  • Massage your scalp regularly: Researches have proved that massaging scalp with some hair oil promotes the growth of hair. In fact, after being a mother, a lot of stresses enlace you automatically. If you massage your scalp frequently, then you will certainly get relief from it.

Apply the tips which I have written above to your daily life. Have patience, and see the amazing result within a few weeks.

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