Hair Fall

8 Foods That Stimulate Hair growth and Control Hair Loss


If you’re not interested in making style statement by remaining bald, like the famous Hollywood celeb Jason Stathom, then let me tell you that it’s completely distasteful in the fashion industry. Luckily, there are some foods which can aid you to gain untangled long locks which you have always craved for. Through strategic diet or eating habits, you can definitely concentrate on growing more hair and that too in a quick manner. Well, to find out the foods which can trigger hair growth start reading on the article.
  • Green Tea: Apart from being a catalyst in weight reduction, but do you know that it is crucial in fighting baldness? The polyphenol present in green tea regulates the production and controls the actions of the hormones such as androgens. Hence, it’s regarded as one of the best hair fall treatment, especially, if it is related to hormone.
  • Spinach: We all know that one of the major reasons for hair fall is lack of iron in the body. Spinach, an iron-rich food consists of sebum which moisturizes the hair. Its iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and omega-3 acid frees you from having a flaky scalp and make your hair lustrous.
  • Milk products and eggs: The derivatives of milk such as cheese, yogurt, curd etc. contains Omega-6 fatty acids, zinc, iron, proteins, and Vit.B12 to potently combat with hair loss problems. Egg, the benchmark of quality protein, promotes hair growth. Whether it’s in the boiled, scrambled, or poached form, this all-time favourite food should present in the everyday diet.
  • Carrots: The source of Vit.A, carrots not only is good for your eyes, but it’s also boost the growth of the cells and nourishes the scalp. By including carrots in the diet, you can assure yourself with a well-conditioned black hair.
  • Dates and raisins: One of the healthy ways to satisfy your sweet tooth is to go for dates and raisins. Iron present in these foods raises the level of haemoglobin.  As a result, oxygen gets distributed throughout the body evenly, including the scalp. Hence, if you switch to it, then you are switching to a healthy option.
  • Seafood: There’s good news for all the seafood lovers- the essential fatty acids, sulphur, and zinc present in the fish are exceedingly helpful in strengthening the follicles of the hair and stops the hair fall.
  • Sprouts of Beans: It consists of silica which cures the hair loss problem by absorbing minerals and vitamins. Silica accelerates the formation of the new cells and breathes a new life into your hair. Undoubtedly, its regular intake assists in getting a thick volume of hair.
  • Green peas: This protein punch boosts your hairs’ health. Being rich in iron, Vit.C, and beta-carotene, these small-sized peas have turned out to be a potent hair fall treatment.
The gorgeous hair locks can bring smile to your face easily. I’m sure that you don’t want to part with your smile. So, to stay happy, make your hair happy. Give your hair a perfect diet that will be inclusive of the foods mentioned above.

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  1. At Clinicana Center we know that improper nutrition is one of the most frequent causes of hair loss. It is important to take care of our food and at the same time take care of our hair.
